T. Weber 点评道:
2022-09-16 20:09:15
原文: I think I have the top in EVERY color. Probably the most versital top in my wardrobe. It is stylish enough for work AND it helps to keep me cool when those hot flashes hit. After work all I have to do is change my shoes to hit the trails. By the way, one of my FAVORITE fea
tures is the sleeves. They are not too short - if you are over 50 you will know exactly what I mean (hids that little bit of fat in the upper arm).
译文:我想每种颜色我都需要一件。 可能是我衣柜中最通用的上衣了。 它足够时尚,适合工作,当潮热袭来时,它可以使我保持凉爽。 下班后,我所要做的就是换鞋以适应目标。 顺便说一句,我最喜欢的功能之一是袖子。 它们不太短-如果您超过50岁,您就会确切地知道我的意思(在上臂藏了一点脂肪)。
Karin 点评道:
2022-07-28 02:25:10
原文: This is a new addition to my Columbia wardrobe, a shirt. I like the lightweight, soft and comfortable feel to the fabric. It'll keep my shoulders and neck protected on days when I am out in the hot sun.
译文:这是我的哥伦比亚衣橱中新增的一件衬衫。 我喜欢织物的轻巧,柔软和舒适的感觉。 当我在烈日下外出时,它可以保护我的肩膀和脖子。
R. Jones 点评道:
2022-07-28 14:22:31
原文: Wish I had ordered white too, no iron. Nice professional fit, good for work.
译文:希望我购买的是白色。 适合专业人士,适合工作。
LFB 点评道:
2022-10-29 16:42:15
原文: Nice fabric. Fit is good too. Not too bad after washing. No need to iron.
译文:好的面料。 适合度也不错。 洗涤后还不错。 无需熨烫。
Laura F. 点评道:
2022-07-24 08:39:50
原文: Really cute top, breathable material for the summer.
monica 点评道:
2022-08-06 09:16:32
原文: Perfect for what I need it for...a hot enviornment, keeps you cool and fits well.
Yeoun Soon Kim 点评道:
2022-04-16 06:06:09
原文: excellent!!!
Lola 点评道:
2022-06-11 17:00:35
原文: Great price and product!
Robin Bai 点评道:
2022-05-12 05:51:53
原文: nice and cheap
Viviana Arosemena 点评道:
2022-08-22 10:02:33
原文: Love it!