原文: Lego recently launched a series of polar, with very vivid details and scenes gained high evaluation, the polar series main color is orange, whole is fresh, and the recommended mechanical group of 42038 snow vehicles . The bottom of the 4 large crawler. Both sides can switch the lar
ge cab, with a winch and a hook movable cantilever and tilt hopper, with 8293 power motor group after the upgrade, you can also add LED lights and electric winch and the bucket, also can be converted into a crawler pickup, a total of 913 bricks.
译文: 最近乐高推出了极地系列,其非常生动的细节和场景获得了很高的评价,极地系列的主色调是橙色,整体很新颖,推荐42038雪地机械车组。 底部是4个大型履带。 两侧均可切换大型驾驶室,带有绞盘和带钩的可移动悬臂和倾斜料斗,升级后带有8293动力马达组,还可以添加LED灯和电动绞盘和铲斗,也可以转换为履带式皮卡 ,总共913块砖。