原文: I got this for a steal of a deal via Amazon Warehouse Deals. It cost about $28usd. It was listed as 'used-like new', and truly was in excellent condition. You can tell, as a wearer, that the band has been worn, but it's not threaded out or scuffed or marked in any way. And the
case is great. Surprisingly, the plastic is still on the face. I love it as much as one can love a second-hand watch. lol. naw, but seriously, it's brilliant.Re the shape of the case, it tapers a bit at the edges, so has a really lovely, delicate and almost flat look to it when on your wrist; in comparison to watch cases that are high right around and have a more bulky look.The case is 36mm across. Large, but not oversized. But in the end, it's personal preference and also individual wrist size that should determine the size case you want to go with.
译文:我通过Amazon Warehouse Deals获得了一笔优惠的交易。 它的成本约为28美元。被列为“二手新品”,它真的处于良好状态。 作为佩戴者,您会发现表带已经磨损,但不明显。,而且手表情况很好。 出乎意料的是,塑料膜仍然包裹着表盘。 我喜欢它,就像可以爱二手表一样。 w然,但认真的说,它是出色的。重新设计表壳的形状,它在边缘处逐渐变细,因此当您戴在手腕上时,它的外观看上去非常可爱,精致且几乎平坦。 相较于其他手表高度较高且外观更笨重的表壳,表壳直径为36毫米,不大。 最后,个人喜好以及个人手腕的大小将决定您要搭配的尺寸。