原文: As all my other Kiplings, this one has very good finishing, nice looking lining, good quality hardware. The seller delivered the bag within the time frame advertised and the product arrived in good condition, in a lovely polka dots wrap, quite appropriate for the festive period.
There’s one thing that I’d like to suggest to the seller, in order for it not to stain its reputation as a good seller, it is to update the dimensions of the bag: h 17 w 25 d 8cm approximately, instead of the figures (45xw24x15) written on the ‘Product Details’ section. Recommend, product and seller
译文:和我所有的其他Kiplings一样,它的漆面非常好,衬里外观漂亮,硬件质量很好。 卖方在广告指定的时间内交付了手提袋,产品以精美的波尔卡圆点包装完好无损地运抵,非常适合节日期间使用。 我想向卖家建议一件事,以便不影响其作为好卖家的声誉,它是更新袋子的尺寸:大约17厘米25厘米x 8厘米,而不是数字 (45xw24x15)写在“产品详细信息”部分。 推荐,产品和卖家