原文:First of all: gaming performance, The apex 150 will probably meet the needs of 90% or more of the gaming populace, if you use the standard wasd keys for movement and such in fps games you shouldn't have issues with certain key combinations not registering like with cheap USB membrane keyboards. All
the most used gaming keys seem to be wired individually so personally I don't notice the difference between this and keyboards that have full N-key rollover. For those that use non-standard layouts in the middle of the board you may be stuck with something more like 6-key rollover. If keystroke feel is purely what you care about, I personally prefer tactile mechanical switches like cherry browns. These keys feel a lot like overgrown gamepad buttons, and all the keys feel consistent, no button is harder or looser than any other. Still, my fingers automatically want to button mash leading to sore fingertips after a few hours of intense gameplay, this doesn't happen with mechanical switches. The benefit of this keyboard compared to any mechanical keyboard I've used is that it's basically silent even compared to "silent" mechanical switches, and since these actually have some tactile feedback, I prefer them to the ubiquitous and more expensive cherry red based gaming keyboards. If you're unfortunate enough to live with people that can't stand the sound of keyboard clattering, or you want to cut out background noise for streaming, I would say this is a good option.The lighting serves it's functional purpose if you play and type in the dark, but some of the keycaps are thicker than others so the brightness of some keys is different than others. If this is a problem, get a keyboard with individually lit keys or set up the lighting with a breathing animation to make it very slightly less noticable. If you try to set the keys all white, you'll get a sort of purple tinted white, meh. There's no dedicated media keys so it's just function keys (the key with the steelseries logo acts as Fn). What else can I say... the board is sturdy with minimal flex, the rubber feet do well at keeping it from sliding around on your desk (there's rubber at all four corners whether or not the board is raised or lowered in the back).
译文:首先:游戏性能,apex 150可能会满足90%或更多游戏玩家的需求,如果你使用标准的按键进行移动,那么在fps游戏中你不应该遇到某些键组合的问题,也不会像便宜的USB薄膜键盘一样。所有最常用的游戏键似乎都是单独连接的,所以我个人并没有注意到它与具有完整N键翻转的键盘之间的区别。对于那些在电路板中间使用非标准布局的人来说,你可能会遇到更像6键翻转的问题。如果击键感觉纯粹是你关心的,我个人更喜欢触感机械开关,如樱桃棕色。这些按键感觉很像过度生成的游戏手柄按钮,所有按键都感觉一致,没有按钮比任何其他按钮更难或更松。尽管如此,经过几个小时的激烈游戏后,我的手指自动想要按下混合物导致指尖疼痛,机械开关不会发生这种情况。与我使用的任何机械键盘相比,这款键盘的好处是它与“静音”机械开关相比基本上都还是静音,而且由于这些实际上有一些触觉反馈,我更喜欢它们无处不在且更加昂贵的樱桃红色游戏键盘。如果你不幸遇到无法忍受键盘咔嗒声的人,或者你想减少流媒体的背景噪音,我会说这是一个不错的选择。
如果您在黑暗打游戏和用于输入,灯光可以起到功能作用,但有些键帽比其他键帽更厚,因此某些键的亮度与其他键不同。如果这是一个问题,请使用带有单独点亮键的键盘或使用呼吸动画设置灯光,使其略微不那么明显。如果你试图将键全部设置为白色,你会得到一种紫色的白色,嗯。没有专用的媒体键,因此它只是功能键(钢琴系列标识的键作为Fn)。我还能说什么......电路板坚固且弯曲度最小,橡胶脚垫可以防止它在桌面上滑动(无论电路板是否在后面升高或降低,所有四个角都有橡胶) 。