原文: The IE80s are insanely good! I'll give you the perspective of a Viola Performance Major who only listens to music written before 1850.Sound:The most important category in my opinion. I honestly don't care about bass response, frequency curves, ect. What I really care about is the d
etail of the mid and high ranges, and these are phenomenal. I listen to a lot of violin concertos, and the detail of the instrument is amazing. I'm around and hear strings instruments all the time, and these reproduce their sound perfectly. I can hear all of the small details, including small nuances in right-hand (bow) technique that I can't hear on other earbuds/ headphones. To be fair, I put on some cello/bass heavy music, and the bass response is crazy. I turned these all they way up on a whim and they deliver power yet controlled bass that I have no complaints about. The soundstage is also huge, which really surprised me. It sounds as if I'm in the concert hall listening to a world-class musician! (As a note, I use my LG V20/V30 to power these, which has a quad-dac which is plenty enough. I keep them at 25 percent, and you could really crank them louder than you'd want.)Durability:I've had these for a year now, and have had no problems. My mother even threw these into the wash by accident and they're still kicking. I don't use the case, and I doubt you would unless you're using these for their intended purpose, and they've incurred no scratches or such on the body. The wires are still good, and haven't noticed any damage.Comfort:I used the double-flanged medium silicone ear tips, and they're pretty comfortable with a good seal. The IE80s themselves are light, and the over-ear cable style negates the weight/tugging exerted from the cables.What's Included:There's a boatload of eartips in verious sizes and styles that sould suit you, but I know people are very particual about ear tips. The case is very nice, but not practical to carry around. Its too large for regular pants pockets, but a nice touch if you use them for gigs; the case even has a decassant to keep your iems dry.Conclusion:Should you buy them? It really depends on what you want. The frequency response is not flat. Its bass boosted even with the knob turned all the way down. This is something you should take into consideration if you want to hear the music "as the artist intended". I, however, don't care about what the artist wants. I want to enjoy my music. The frequency reponse is much more fun this way, and other flat audio devices sound boring. Frequency reponse aside, they have great clarity, with a stellar sound stage and controlled yet powerful bass. For $200, you won't be dissapoined in the quality or sound of these iems, no matter what sound you prefer.
译文:IE80s非常好!我将从中提琴演奏专业的角度给您介绍,他只听1850年以前写的音乐。声音:在我看来,这是最重要的。老实说,我不在乎低音响应,频率曲线等。我真正关心的是中高频的细节,这款耳机的这方面非常惊人。我听了很多小提琴协奏曲,乐器的细节很棒。我一直在听弦乐器,这款耳机完美地再现了乐器声音。我可以听到所有的小细节,包括右手(弓)技术中的细微差别,而我在其他耳机上听不到。公平地讲,我放了一些大提琴/低音沉重的音乐,而低音效果非常令人疯狂的。我一时兴起就把这些调高了,它们提供了强大而又不受控制的低音,对此我无可挑剔。声场也很大,这真的让我感到惊讶。听起来好像我在音乐厅里听世界一流的音乐家演奏一般! (请注意,我使用我的LG V20 / V30为其供电,它具有足够的四倍AC。我将其保持在25%的水平,您确实可以将它们调得比您想要的大。)我买来已经有一年了,目前为止没有任何问题。我妈妈甚至不小心把它扔进了洗碗池,还能使用。除非您故意破坏,否则它的机身上不会产生刮痕。导线仍然很好,也没有发现任何损坏。舒适度:我使用了双法兰的中号硅胶耳塞,它们的密封性非常好。 IE80s本身很轻巧,并且耳挂式电缆消除了电缆的重量/拉力。提示:这很好,但不实用。对于常规的裤子口袋来说,它太大了,但是如果您将其用于演出,则很好。结论:您是否应该购买它们?这实际上取决于您想要什么。频率响应不平坦。即使将旋钮完全调低,其低音也会增强。如果您想“按照艺术家的意图”聆听音乐,则应谨慎购买。但是,我不在乎艺术家想要什么,我想欣赏我的音乐。这样一来,频率响应就变得更加有趣,而其他平板音频设备听起来很无聊。除了频率响应之外,它还具有很高的清晰度,具有一流的声场和受控而强劲的低音。只需200美元,无论您喜欢哪种声音,您都不会对这款耳机的音质或声音感到失望。