原文:EDIT: I've updated review in response to TomTom Community Manager's comment. After you read my review, I encourage you to click on comments and read everything Community Manager posted. I specifically asked him to address price difference between versions I talk about, and he was kind enough to resp
ond in detail.Before reviewing a product I try to use it extensively for at least a month. Being a long time user of previous TomTom Spark I was excited to take new Spark 3 for a ride. On one hand, I am extremely disappointed because most of the changes TomTom promised during last year are still missing. On the other hand, launch of this new device resulted in price slash of old model, which is great opportunity for those in market to buy fitness tracking watch.Right now the old version of TomTom Spark Cardio+Music is selling for $139 while new version is $249. Looking at the price difference you are probably asking - what is the difference between the two? Actually not much, version 3 has:1. Slightly redesigned wristband - subjectively I would say it is a bit better, but not really a difference maker2. Bluetooth headphones - included with new version, again not a big deal3. Compass - sounds great out of box, haven't used it once during my month long testing4. Breadcrumbs support in software - watch can show you the path you've ran so you can backtrack. It's useful if you are long distance runner in unknown terrain; see picture attached to review5. Support for uploading GPX files - another feature for advanced runners; you can upload running route to your watch before race and then track the path on your wrist during the raceAnd that's it. Although all features are improvements, none of them is truly a difference maker. Especially when you take price into consideration, buying old version from this link is no-brainer:https://www.amazon.com/TomTom-Cardio-Fitness-Monitor-Storage/dp/B015CDWGQA/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&qid=1480656995&tag=codeproject-20-soclog-20&linkId=c7bfbb2a7035a06a89dbb37d3f884980Now, is TomTom Spark Cario+Music 2 or 3 a watch for you? Well, that depends on what you will use watch for... here is the list of things that I find problematic or controversial after long use: - Long time to get GPS signal - if you are in a new area it may take up 10 minutes to get GPS signal. So, yeah, if this upsets you - definitely skip this product. If you are often running in the same area GPS caching will do the trick and in most cases TomTom Spark will pinpoint your location within 10 seconds. - Heart rate tracking only truly works for running - for all other activities HR is definitely off. For example, when you are tracking heart rate during weightlifting you'll quite likely experience this. Also, I've read a review where customer was complaining that HR tracking is off for swimming. I understand that some people have high expectations, but be realistic ;) - this HR tracking technology simply won't work in water environment. In a nutshell, expect that HR monitor on this watch will give you pretty accurate reading whenever your wrist is in "I'm running" position; for all other positions it'll be off. - Activity tracking is not top notch - sleep tracking and calorie counts are definitely little bit off. Tracking steps on the other hand is OK. - Proprietary USB charger with awkward connection to watch - I seriously have no idea why they made it this complicated to connect watch for charging / USB data transfer. For all practical purposes you'll need to eject watch from wristband EVERY time you want to connect it to your PC / Mac. After a while you may get hang of it - practice will make whole process a bit faster. Water resistance may have played a part in design, but there was truly no need to make it this complicated. - Speaking of USB charger - I've just ran into problems with it. I've attached image the illustrates the problem - how charger pin bent. I did manage to bend it back and charger still works... will see for how long. - Lack of touch screen - this watch uses dedicated button for navigation. If touch screen is a must for you, then this is a deal breaker. On the other hand if you don't have formed opinion on this topic, hear my advice - give this watch a chance and try it. I was also on fence before buying when I discovered that screen doesn't respond to touch. Now, I actually prefer it this way - having a solid physical button you can press definitely beats swiping when you are in the middle of the run and sweat is dripping. - Music is not that useful - while prospect of not carrying phone with you sounds great (and was one of the main reasons why I purchased this watch), I actually never used it after first week. First, you need to transfer music (or in my case audio books) through mentioned USB cable and TomTom software. Second, only MP3&AAC are supported. Third, Spark really relies on playlists so you can't just drag folder with files over to watch. In the end the whole experience and music/audiobooks navigation is far from user friendly. So, if I was buying TomTom Spark I would definitely go with Cardio only to save money. This is the belt that I use to carry my phone:https://www.amazon.com/MoKo-Sports-Running-Waist-Pack/dp/B00U8MOHNG/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&qid=1480656647&tag=codeproject-20-soclog-20&linkId=b1650f792fd7dd9f8ecf36c7a90d824cConclusion: if you are able to get this watch for $139 - get it. I do like it and use it every day. It's pretty stylish, works well and battery life is pretty good. Too bad TomTom is selling it for $250; at that price point you may as well look at other high end watches. In the end, it's your decision.If you have any additional questions, feel free to leave comment and I'll try to respond. And if this detailed (just getting to 900 words ;) review helped, please mark it as helpful! Thanks!EDIT: At this moment new version is $229, while old version is $129 (headphone bundle is $134). I'm on fence to order another old version Spark for this price. I did run into problems with charger. See attached picture.For Community Manager - can you please provide your view as to why people should shell out extra $100 for new version? I agree 1-5 are improvements, but I don't see them as $100 difference. Thus, I would appreciate to hear your perspective.As I said in my review I definitely think that price point is biggest hurdle for this watch. For $139 or less I do think buying this watch is great value for what it offers. I appreciate that you are following user feedback, and I hope you'll keep improving your offering.
我更新了回应TomTom 公司言论的评价。在看了我的评论之后,我鼓励你查看评论并阅读公司管理者发布的所有内容。我特地请他介绍一下所说的版本之间的价格差异,他很亲切并且详细地回答。
在确认一个产品的好坏之前,我至少需要试用一个月。作为TomTom的老用户我很兴奋能够使用新出的 Runner 3。但是另一方面,我又非常失望,因为TomTom公司在去年承诺将会作出改变的地方仍然没有变化。另一方面,这一新设备的推出导致了旧型号的降价,这是市场上购买健身跟踪手表的大好机会。现在TomTomSpark Cardio+Music老版本的售价是139美元,而新的版本是249美元。看看价格差异你可能会问这两者之间有什么区别?实际上功能差不多,版本3有以下功能:
2. 新版也可以使用蓝牙耳机,没什么出奇的。
现在你觉得TomTomSpark Cario+Music 2 或者 3怎么样?嗯,那要看你要用于什么用途了…
我在长期使用后发现了问题:如果你在一个新的地区,可能需要10分钟才能获得GPS信号。所以,是的,如果你不满意,可以果断的忽视这个产品。如果你经常在同一地区连接GPS运行,GPS只需要缓存就行,在大多数情况下,TomTom Spark会在10秒内找准你的位置。心率跟踪只适用于跑步或者其他活动,HR追踪是绝对不够的。
有专有的USB充电器连接手表,真的不知道他们为什么要搞得这么复杂,要用USB充电器对手表进行充电。对于所有的实际目的,每次你想将它连接到您的PC Mac的腕带手表上时,它会弹出。一段时间后,你可能会知道使用窍门,以加快使用进程。耐水性在设计中起了一定作用,但确实没有必要使它变得如此复杂。