原文:I've been using a double-decker honeywell fan to try and keep my room cool, but it was noisy and just wasn't cutting it. I've always heard good things about these fans, so I went ahead and bit the bullet on it. Glad I did! On the highest setting it makes a bit of noise (you'd have to turn the TV up)
, but in return it cools the room FAST, better than I really thought a fan could. the middle setting is indeed much quieter, and still moves air a little better than the equivalent honeywell. The low setting is perfect for sleeping, it does a decent job of circulating the air in the bedroom (15x12-ish) and it's very quiet.The fan seems to be built well, If anything breaks down in the next year or so I'll update this review. It does come with a 5-year warranty though, so I'm pretty confident.All in all, I'd say it's worth the money, cools the room impressively well, and doesn't take up a lot of space.
我一直用的风扇是双层霍尼韦尔风扇,但是它太吵了又不能把它关掉。我一直听说这个牌子的风扇很不错,所以我直接买下来了。太棒了!调到最高档的话会制造出一些噪音(你最好把电视声音调高),但是反过来说,它又让房间快速凉爽下来,比我以前想象的风扇的功能好太多。相比之下中档会安静一些,而且在空气流动上也做的比霍尼韦尔要好一点。最低档很适合睡觉开,在一个15x12 ISH大小的卧室里使用这个风扇相当合适而且很安静。