原文:This was the top-rated household fan on The Sweethome, and I needed one, so I decided to try it out. I'd have to agree that it's a great fan.First of all, it's quiet for the amount of air it moves. It's certainly quieter than my Dyson AM05, and moves more air.The fan has "natural" wind"
mode that varies the intensity of the wind in a pattern that is predetermined, but that seems random. My wife and I have taken to using this mode when we sleep; it's still cooling, but it doesn't seem to have quite the drying effect that we usually get from having constant wind on us all night.We use this mode in conjunction with the timer function. You can set a timer on the fan in 30 minute increments, anywhere from 30 minutes to 7.5 hours. This is nice because it's not uncommon for the temperature to drop during the night, so what started out as a comfortable amount of wind eventually becomes too cold by the time morning comes around. The timer allows us to have the fan shut off during the night, before it becomes "too cold".This fan also includes a remote control that allows access to all of the fan's features, and which stores conveniently on the back of the fan. We actually don't end up using the remote very often, but it's nice to have.There some ways that this fan could be improved:* The fan could remember the last amount of time that you set the timer for. As it is, since we usually have it run for seven hours a night in the summer, I still have to tap the timer button 14 times to set it. And it beeps every time you press the button. And I have to do this every night. There's basically no way anyone else in the room is not going to wake up when you're doing this. If pressing the timer button once would just bring up the amount of time you set it for last time, that would be preferable.* It could be easier to hit the controls when the fan is oscillating. As it is, when the fan oscillates, so does the control panel. You know what's not easy when you're half asleep? Hitting a moving button 14 times. It's easier to just turn oscillation off, do what you need to do, and then turn oscillation back on.* The remote could be more usable in the dark. It has an LCD display, but you really can't tell what you're pressing or what mode the fan is in without a light.All in all though, this is a great fan. Try pairing the "natural wind" mode with a thunder/rain noise machine, and you're practically sleeping in a storm. Surprisingly relaxing.