原文:Bought 2 of these drones, purchased 1 of them 4 days after the mavic was announced... took 3 months to receive... While waiting for this drone, I purchased and recommend many aftermarket accessories for the mavic... drone landing gear, waterproof decals, extra batteries, props, carry bag, SD card, d
rone mat, remote control 3D stick protector, and control adapter for ipad, etc. I had plenty of time to take my time and purchase these items, and also read up on and seen a lot of how to videos on youtube... so I was very prepared to know somewhat how to operate the drone. Now after receiving this drone, I had been waiting so long, so there was no reason I could not take my time to calibrate, go through most of prep before I flew this, changing modes, from stick control to drone control, for very smooth footages. When flying indoors... make sure your radio control reads between drone and controller, do not fly if this is in the red, even though the screen says it's ready to fly... the obstacle avoidance symbol can turn read and can't read, the drone could drift off real fast not giving you much time to control and land.. ( learned this the hard way, damaging props ). I love the tripod mode on this, follow me mode, point of interest, etc... second party apps I recommend to go with the drone is the litchi app, you can do more with this... I am still learning more each time I fly... my first week in a half I always flew in line of site, I am now taking it a little further, still with caution... This thing is a beast, and I love the convenience and portability of drone... I am very happy with this purchase and would recommend.