原文:I bought this watch after extensive research into it and the many variations of the theme. I was a bit concerned about the negative display, especially after reading some of the other reviews - - to those negative nellies I say HOGWASH. I have had this watch for right at one week now and have worn i
t indoors in all lighting conditions, and I have worn it outdoors in all lighting conditions - bright sunshine, cloudy, dark, dawn, dusk, and while wearing polarized sunglasses, and I am happy to report that I haven't had a single incidence where I couldn't read the time, date, or whatever information I had the watch displaying at the time. The wristband is very comfortable and the overall looks, functionality, and quality are first rate. The owner's manual looks like a miniature encyclopedia, but it reads fairly straightforward and is easy to understand, even for a 50+ year old man who can be "technology challenged" on the occasion. I do not hesitate to recommend this watch to my friends.