原文:The GOOD: multiple colors, malleable, turns into a "hard rubber" on curing (not a plastic, still slightly soft, like a basketball), gives you the chance to fix things in the "plastic" world with more than just glue and hope.The BAD: once you open a packet, it's use it or lose it. Fo
r most applications, this is just fine -- they give you ball of the stuff about the size of half a man's thumb ... but if you are looking to use it for something small (e.g. I've seen people suggest using Sugru to refill numbering on appliance knobs that have worn clear), then you're frantically looking for other places to apply this stuff before the whole ball cures and you have to throw it away.The VERDICT: this is nifty stuff and definitely does what it promises -- if you smush it around a wobbly plastic part, it will become a solid rubber boot to support that part. When you look to use a packet, either prepare to toss the extra, or line up all your jobs at once and do them in the 30+ minutes you have - not difficult.HELPFUL SUGGESTION: if you're repairing something visible, get a razor blade or other flat piece of metal to help shape the putty (and maybe a spoon for curving). Otherwise, your fix will look like a blob of colored silly putty, complete with thumb prints.
缺点:一旦你打开一个数据包,它会使用它或丢失它。对于大多数应用来说,这是很好的 - 他们给你的球的大小一半的人的拇指的大小...但如果你正在寻找一些小的东西(例如我已经看到人们建议使用Sugru在佩戴清洁的家电旋钮上重新填充编号), 然后你疯狂地寻找其他地方在全球应用这种东西,你得把它扔了。
结论:这是很漂亮的东西,肯定会做出它所承诺的 - 如果你在一个摇摆的塑料部件上砸它,它将成为一个坚实的橡胶靴,以支撑这一部分。当你想要使用一个数据包,要么准备扔掉多余的东西,要么马上把所有的工作排成一行,,并在30分钟内完成它们 - 不难。