原文:hello, this is a replacement for an older version that broke. the actual hinged cap broke off after two years of use daily. the replacement cost is minimal, but getting through to order it online is a mess. a new one delivered to our door was faster and better. now, we have a back up stainless
container that fits the new hinged cap. but, we will eventually order a replacement cap for our older version. this is one of the best commuter containers for keeping coffee hot. a good day's worth of hot and in the afternoon, it is still warm/hot for a great pick me up. thermos makes a great product. for those that have the older stainless bottle with nissan/thermos on the label, this is the upgraded version of that older model. the flip cap is now black hiding those coffee stains and drops on the older white inner portion. a great improvement, but it still needs to be cleaned daily or the coffee stains will load up on the surfaces. a great product and fast deliveryupdate: the ordering of the replacement cap is a nightmare, so be careful of opening and closing this lid/cap. it is the weak link in this great thermos bottle. the plastic hinge is the smallest hinge ever and it works. but, sometimes the lid gets sucked into the stainless bottle from cooling and it is hard to get the top off. it is very easy to pop open the lid and then unscrew the lid/top off. warning: after you pop off the lid and let the pressure ease, put it back on to unseal the stuck top. otherwise, the small hinge will take the brunt of force when unscrewing the lid from the bottle. therefore put the lid/cap back on and then unscrew the whole thing from the bottle. it still is the best thermos for keeping coffee hot during the day, but keep the lid in mind when getting ready to clean the whole thing... the thermos co. just does not answer their customer service phone and there is no other way to order just the lid/cap.