原文:Definitely one of Gerber's better product efforts and a real revelation to those of us who've lamented the company's slide in quality over the past 15 or so years. The Dime is a surprisingly well-executed mini multi-tool with a good choice of blades. The build quality is very nice and any criticis
ms about the tool's capabilities are really more a function of the inherent limitations of any multi-tool this size.The spring loaded pliers are commendably well aligned and come together very precisely. So much so that they could work as tweezers in some applications (although the Dime actually comes with a small set of tweezers that slide into one of the tools outer scales). The pliers have a unique stepped tip design, only the outer 1/8" actually make contact when the jaws are fully closed. That might sound bad, but in practice the arrangement works quite well for small, delicate tasks, allowing the user to work very closely and precisely. And let's be honest: any tool this small is only going to be useful for small, relatively delicate tasks; you can forget about working with any fastener larger than about 3/8". If you find that unreasonably limiting, you should really be looking at a full sized multi-tool, like the excellent Leatherman Wave.Gerber eschewed a more conventional spear or clip saber shape for the knife blade and instead went with a modified sheep's foot design. An unusual choice, but that shape, along with a slight belly along the honed edge, makes the most of the blade's minuscule 1 1/4" length. It also encourages use that applies pressure only in direct opposition to the way the blade closes (no stabbing or auguring with this blade shape); a sound engineering decision given that this is a non-locking blade.The package opener is a very pleasant surprise. It absolutely excels at opening those infernal clear plastic clam-shell retail packages without damaging the contents, something all too easy to do if you're using a regular knife blade (do NOT ask me how I know that). The actual cutting edge is positioned at the end of the tool blade, is reverse swept and only about 5/16" long. It requires more of a pulling than a pushing stroke, which fosters much better control. The end result is a tool that's very efficient at slicing through that hard plastic while staying clear of the package's contents. So much so it easily earns it's keep as dedicated, single-purpose tool on the Gerber Dime.The scissors are sharp and well engineered, but any substantial cutting job would be extremely tedious due to their diminutive size. I use them to trim my nails. The flat head and pseudo-phillips head screw drivers are what they are: tiny and limited to light duty tasks. I call the smaller a "pseudo-phillips" head because it's only 2-dimensional; really just a scaled-down flat head that's tapered so it can fit a phillips head fastener. The phillips driver blade also sports a dual-sided file. The file is one of only two real nits I have with the Gerber Dime. It's a true cut-file design, but the cutting isn't very deep or aggressive on either side. At best it could relieve some bothersome edge on a small piece of metal or hard plastic. Beyond that it makes a serviceable nail file.The other minor complaint I have is the split ring that is attached to the lanyard hole. It's just spring wire and not particularly strong. I like to use a paracord lanyard to suspend my mini-multi tool inside my pants pocket with the other end attached to a belt loop. I find it rides much more comfortably than just resting at the very bottom of my pocket. But after about a week of supporting the tool's (tiny) weight at the end of the lanyard, that split ring began to deform and pull apart. I discarded it and now run the lanyard through the bottle opener (which, by the way, is quite effective at its intended function).The Gerber Dime is a much better and more thoughtfully executed design than the mini multi-tool it replaces, a clunky version sold exclusively at Cabelas. Don't be put off by my rating of only 4 stars; I'm really quite enthusiastic about the Dime; it's just that I'm a bit more realistic and conservative in my product ratings than some reviewers are. Very few products are perfect, including this one. But its as nice a mini multi-tool as I've yet found.
绝对是格柏的好产品之一,在过去15年左右的时间里,我们曾对这个公司的质量感到失望,但这一次绝对是一次真正的回报。 Dime是一款令人惊奇且执行效果很好的迷你多功能工具,配备很好的刀片。构造质量非常好,对工具的批评,更多的是对工具功能的内在限制。
弹簧加压的钳子对得很齐,非常精确地对在一起。所以他们可以在某些任务中作为镊子使用(虽然Dime实际上配有夹在外面刻度盘上的小镊子)。钳子有一个独特的阶梯尖设计,只有外侧1/8,实际上在夹爪完全接触时才会关闭,这可能听起来不错,但实际上这种布置对于小而精细的任务非常有用,老实说,任何这样小的工具只对小而相对微妙的任务有用,你可以忘记使用大于3/8的紧固件。如果你发现这是没有限制的,那么你应该真正看到一个全尺寸的多功能工具,比如很棒的Leatherman Wave。
格伯为刀片避开了一种更为常规的矛形或剪刀形的设计,而是用了修改后的羊脚设计。一个不寻常的选择,但是这种形状,以及沿着珩磨边缘的轻微的腹部,使刀片的最小尺寸为1 1/4“长度,同时也可以将它使用于需要直接按压的东西上,刀片就会闭合(没有用刀片刺什么东西);考虑到这是一个无锁式的刀片,所以这是一个非常安全的功能。
Gerber Dime拥有比其他迷你多功能工具更好更周到的设计,这是一种专门在Cabelas销售的笨重版本。不要因为我的评价只有4颗星就不考虑它;我真的非常爱惜钱;只是因为我的产品评级比一些评论者更加现实和保守。很少有产品是完美的,包括这一个。但它是目前为止我所找的一个很好的一个迷你多功能工具。