原文:A classic, and much better for babies than wooden blocks. These blocks are light, colorful, and durable. They don't hurt people or pets when thrown or damage wood floors like wooden blocks can do. The box is interesting for babies and toddlers and they will like putting other things in it and carryi
ng it around. You can teach colors and shapes with it, obviously, stacking, plus how to clean up after yourself - with lots of patience, please, no baby learns these things without lots and lots of repetition. The blocks are light enough to gently place on baby's head or your own to demonstrate balancing - a favorite game with my baby. He loves it when I balance one on my nose and pretend to sneeze so the block falls off. He's 14 months now and has loved this toy for months. I agree with others that the lid should not snap on but be easy for the littlest babies to play with. They will learn to use the lid "properly" with time and patience and in the mean time not have to deal with a frustrating toy. I like how the little hole in each block is the same shape as the block. We are already using them like a spy glass and may be stringing them one day, or playing with play dough with them.