原文:The vast majority of this Perplexus operates flawlessly. It's what you'd expect from a Perplexus - clever maneuvering, intricate details, all very well planned out, destined for hours of fun.Now having own two of these same units, there was a repeated behavior in the construction that makes me quest
ion the construction. On the first model we received, the model was assembled incorrectly, so we couldn't get past the first lever/arm (on #3). We arranged (through Spin Master) to get a replacement unit, which was assembled correctly, and we proceeded just fine. That said, the replacement unit's same lever/arm is slightly skewed to the side. Although it can be passed, you need to approach both arms while tilting the unit slightly to the left. Maybe the two units I received are bad examples, but it still caused me to raise my eyebrows at this.
这个Perplexus的绝大部分设计是完美无缺的。 可以满足你对Perplexus的期望 - 巧妙的操纵,复杂的细节,都设计的很好,注定能拥有好几个小时的乐趣。
现在拥有两个相同的产品,在操作中有一些反复的行为让我感到质疑。 我们收到的第一个模型组装不正确,所以我们不能超过第一关(#3)。 我们使用(旋转大师)获得一个更换单元,组装正确,我们继续。也就是说,更换单元的手臂要稍微偏向一边。 虽然可以通过,但是您需要在双手倾斜的同时向左倾斜。也许我收到的两件货都是瑕疵品,但这还是让我很兴奋。