原文:This product works very well as a table-stand for your iPad/Android/etc devices. Looks pretty good, though the mechanism that holds the tablet is a bit over-sized, (made of plastic - while the rest of the unit is silver/grey metal), but it is hidden behind the tablet anyway. I have not tried the u
nit attached to the underside of a cabinet - only as a tabletop. One minor issue is that you should have a variety of Allen wrenches to tighten the hinge pins from time to time as the unit does loosen up. You need two different size Allen keys (used simultaneously) to do this. Another item to keep in mind is not to loose the small plastic hinge end-caps (the are easy to remove and misplace) the unit works perfectly fine without them but it does look better with them. Depending on how you extend the unit it can be a little wobbly (not in the sense of tipping over - it just flexes a tiny bit with you as you tap away at the screen). A useful and good purchase which looks very nice sitting on a counter top or breakfast bar... especially considering the price. Almost forgot, no built-in charging capability - you need to rig that yourself, or as necessary plug in your tablet separately to charge. That about covers it.