原文:SHORT VERSION:----------------------------You may not be able to know for sure if you will get the XT1103 (model 00630NARTL) or the XT1100 (model SM4034AW4N3) when you purchase this phone on Amazon. I bought one for myself (sold directly from Amazon) and then bought one for my wife about a month la
ter (sold from DeltaMobiles via Amazon). I got the XT1103 US model on the first order (from Amazon), then got the XT1100 international/euro model on the second order (from DeltaMobiles). This is a problem because the XT1100 cannot use 3G or LTE on my carrier (Consumer Cellular, which piggybacks on the AT&T network) or on virtually any other US cellular carrier. So even though I went back into my Amazon order history and purchased the second Nexus 6 using the same product page as the first that I bought, the second was a different model that will not be able to utilize high-speed data. See the photo attached to this review which shows both boxes side-by-side. I am returning the XT1100 and I bought my wife another Nexus 6 directly from the Google Store to be sure I will get an XT1103 that is set up for US data networks (it was the same price as Amazon when I bought it just now). I use Amazon all the time for all kinds of things, but in this case I would recommend that you avoid purchasing a Nexus 6 through Amazon unless it is clear exactly which model you're going to receive. You are SUPPOSED to get an XT1103 when you buy the phone on this product page - note that in the Technical Details section on the product page it specifically has "00630NARTL" as the item model number, which is the US-compatible XT1103, so if you get an XT1100 (model SM4034AW4N3) you are getting the wrong phone. I am suspicious that DeltaMobiles is purposely sending people the wrong phone.LONG VERSION:----------------------------I love this phone. This is my first Android phone after three iPhones and I couldn't be happier. I love the huge, bright screen, the camera is pretty nice, the phone is fast, and LTE is awesome.But here's why I wrote this review: I purchased my Nexus 6 on May 7th, 2015. It shipped from Amazon (in other words it says "Ships from and sold by Amazon.com" under the price on the Amazon product page), and I got the XT1103, which is the US model. It only took a few minutes to set it up on my service (Consumer Cellular, which piggybacks on the AT&T network), and it hooked up to LTE immediately. You probably already know this if you are shopping for a high-end smartphone, but LTE (aka 4G LTE) is the most recent high-speed data network. It means faster downloading, web browsing, etc. and is one of the major benefits of upgrading to a new phone if your current phone is not LTE-capable.My wife was jealous of my new, giant, beautiful phone, which is understandable since I intentionally showed it off to her all the time and often suggested the inferiority of her old iPhone (which was a hand-me-down from when I made my previous iPhone upgrade). So for our anniversary, I bought her a Nexus 6 as well (purchased on June 16th, 2015 - a little over a month from when I bought mine). I gave it to her today, and then started setting it up for her. Everything in the setup went normally just like it had with my phone, but when I disabled the wi-fi to test the data network, I noticed that her phone was not connecting to LTE (or 3G for that matter). I set both our phones side by side and checked the APN settings and some other phone settings to verify that they were set up identically, which they were. I had only taken the phone itself out of the box up to this point, and when I removed the rest of the contents I saw the European plug on the phone's charger. I compared the box of her phone to mine (see attached photo) and finally realized by looking at the labels that my wife's Nexus 6 was the XT1100 (euro/international model), and that I had gotten the XT1103 (the US version). While the XT1100 looks identical, has an identical OS, uses the same nano sim card, etc., it has a very different setup in terms of compatible cellular networks and will not use US 3G or LTE. Note that the XT1100 will still work for making calls and using basic cellular data (GSM), but you will not be able to access 3G or LTE.I was pretty certain that I had bought my wife's Nexus 6 from the exact same product page on Amazon from which I had purchased my own, so I went back into my order history to verify this. Both of the orders do point to the same product page, but the first order (XT1103 US model) was sold by Amazon, while the second order (XT1100 international model) was shipped/sold by DeltaMobiles. Currently (June 20th), the product page says it is being sold/shipped by Amazon again. I didn't even realize that it was a different seller when I made the second purchase.This situation is pretty frustrating because nobody buying this phone to use it in the US would likely choose the international model instead of the US model since the international model will not perform as well on US networks, so I don't know why they are sending the XT1100 to US customers. Because the seller (DeltaMobiles) covered the SM4034AW4N3 model number on the box with a separate tag (see the photo attached to this review) I became a little suspicious that they are intentionally sending people the wrong phone because many people may not know that the XM1100 is the wrong phone. After all, it is a genuine Nexus 6, it will place phone calls in the US, and it will be able to use cellular data, so many people may start using it and never realize (or only realize too late) that they've gotten the wrong phone that can't use the much faster 3G and 4G data networks. If it is possible for a seller to make a little more money by sending the XT1100 to customers in the US than by sending them the correct XM1103, I bet this would explain why DeltaMobiles is sending out the wrong phone.For your reference, these are the compatible networks for the two versions of the phone:XT1103 (Model 00630NARTL) :GSM: 850/900/1800/1900 MHzCDMA band class: 0/1/10WCDMA bands: 1/2/4/5/8LTE bands: 2/3/4/5/7/12/13/17/25/26/29/41CA DL bands: B2-B13, B2-B17, B2-29, B4-B5, B4-B13, B4-B17, B4-B29XT1100 (Model SM4034AW4N3)GSM: 850/900/1800/1900 MHzWCDMA bands: 1/2/4/5/6/8/9/19LTE bands: 1/3/5/7/8/9/19/20/28/41CA DL bands: B3-B5, B3-B8And if you put the search term "List of LTE networks" into Google, you can go to a Wikipedia page that will show you all of the individual networks and what bands they use for LTE.
当你在亚马逊上购买这款手机时,你你无法确定你会得到XT1103(model 00630NARTL)还是XT1100(model SM4034AW4N3)。我给自己买了一个(亚马逊直售),一个月后也给我的妻子买了一个(从亚马逊的客户端买的)。第一次我得到了XT1103 US(从Amazon买的),第二次订单是XT1100国际/欧元模型(来自DeltaMobiles)。这是一个问题,因为XT1100在我的手机上不能使用3G或LTE(即在AT&T网络上搭载的消费者蜂窝网络),也不能在任何其他的美国移动运营商上使用。因此,尽管我查到了亚马逊的订单历史,购买了第二款Nexus 6,与我购买的第一个产品页面相同,但第二款是一种不同的型号,所以还是无法使用高速数据。请参见附在此评论后面的照片,它显示了两个框的并列。我退回了XT1100,为确保我将得到一个为我们的数据网络设计的XT11,我直接为我的妻子从谷歌商店买了另一个Nexus 6来。我一直用亚马逊来做各种各样的事情,但在这种情况下,我建议你不要通过亚马逊购买Nexus 6,除非你能清楚地知道你将会收到什么样的型号。当你在这个产品页面上购买手机时,你应该得到一个XT1103。注意在产品页面的技术细节部分,它特别有“00630NARTL”作为项目型号,这是与us兼容的XT1103,所以如果你得到一个XT1100(model SM4034AW4N3),你就会得到错误的手机。我怀疑,DeltaMobiles故意寄给人们错误的手机。
但这就是我为什么要写这篇评论的原因:我在2015年5月7日购买了Nexus 6。它从亚马逊发货(换句话说,它说是亚马逊页面上售卖并从亚马逊发货),但是我得到了美国版的XT1103。我只花了几分钟就把它安装在我的服务区上(消费者单位,这是在AT&T网络上的),它立刻就连接到了LTE网络上。如果你正在考虑购买高端智能手机,你可能已经知道这一点,但LTE(又称4G LTE)是最新的高速数据网络。它意味着下载、网页浏览速度更快等,如果你现在的手机不支持LET功能,这就是换新手机的主要好处之一。
我的妻子很嫉妒我这台新的、巨大的、漂亮的手机。这是可以理解的,因为我一直故意把它给她看,而且经常暗示她的旧iPhone的劣质(就是我上一部iPhone升级时用的旧版本。) 所以在我们结婚纪念日的时候,我给她买了一个Nexus 6(在2015年6月16日买的,比我买我的时候晚一个多月)。我今天把新手机给了她,然后开始为她做准备工作。安装过程中的一切都和我的手机一样,但是当我禁用wifi来测试数据网络时,我注意到她的手机并没有连接到LTE网络(或者说是3G)。我把我们的手机放在一起,检查APN设置和一些其他的手机设置以确认它们设置的是一样的。当我把手机从盒子里拿出来,就在这时,当我把剩下的东西拿掉的时候,我看到了插头上的欧洲充电器。我把她手机的盒子和我的手机(见附图)做了比较,最后发现我妻子的Nexus 6是XT1100(欧洲/国际型号)的标签,我的是XT1103(美国版)。 Nexus 6和XT1100看起来是一样的,有一个相同的操作系统,使用相同的nano sim卡,等等。但它在兼容的蜂窝网络上有一个非常不同的设置,并且不会使用我们的3G或LTE。请注意,XT1100仍然可以用于调用和使用基本的蜂窝数据(GSM),但是您将无法访问3G或LTE。
我很确定,我亲自从亚马逊的同一产品页面上购买了我妻子的Nexus 6,我回到了我的订单历史来验证这一点。这两个订单都指向同一个产品页面,但是第一个订单(XT1103 US模型)是由Amazon销售的,而第二个订单(XT1100国际模型)是由DeltaMobiles交付/销售的。目前(6月20日),该产品页面表示,它将再次由亚马逊发货。我当时甚至没有意识到,当我第二次购买时,它是一个不同的卖家。
这种情况非常令人沮丧因为没有人买这种手机,它在美国使用它可能会选择国际模式而不是美国模式。而国际模式在美国网络上的表现不太好,所以我不知道为什么他们要把XT1100寄给美国用户。因为卖家(DeltaMobiles)在盒子上覆盖了SM4034AW4N3型号,并附上了一个单独的标签(看附在此评论上的照片),我有点怀疑他们是故意给人发送错误的手机,因为很多人可能不知道XM1100是错误的手机。毕竟,这是一个真正的Nexus - 6,它在美国,可以打电话,也能够使用蜂窝数据,所以很多人可能开始使用它,从来没有意识到(或意识得太迟了)他们已经拿到了错误的手机 , 不能用更快使用3G和4G数据网络了。如果通过向美国的客户发送XT1100而不是向他们发送正确的XM1103,如果卖家能赚更多的钱,我打赌这可以解释为什么DeltaMobiles会发出错误的电话。
XT1103 (Model 00630NARTL) :
GSM: 850/900/1800/1900 MHz
CDMA band class: 0/1/10
WCDMA bands: 1/2/4/5/8
LTE bands: 2/3/4/5/7/12/13/17/25/26/29/41
CA DL bands: B2-B13, B2-B17, B2-29, B4-B5, B4-B13, B4-B17, B4-B29
XT1100 (Model SM4034AW4N3)
GSM: 850/900/1800/1900 MHz
WCDMA bands: 1/2/4/5/6/8/9/19
LTE bands: 1/3/5/7/8/9/19/20/28/41
CA DL bands: B3-B5, B3-B8