原文:Really disappointed in this product, I truly was hoping it would work. I live in an agricultural community and get mice every year. They always take up residence in the ceiling of my living room/floor of the bathroom. I originally purchased two of these units; one for the bathroom and one for the
kitchen (last thing I wanted was for them to migrate to the food room!). After two or three days, I could HEAR them relocating through the walls to an area further away from the Ultrasonic device. I thought, "great, it's working, I just need to get more!" Purchased an additional unit for my second floor bedroom and one for the attic, total of four devices in my relatively small house (one on the first floor, two on the second, and one in the attic). And then I waited.And waited.And waited.Two weeks later (three since the first two were installed), I walked into my kitchen and saw a mouse rush right past the ultrasonic device plugged into the wall, right across the top of my stove. Called an immediate end to the "Ultrasonic" experiment and went out to purchase the tried and true method (poison). Because I had waited so long in the hopes that the more humane method would work, I had quite the infestation on my hands. I've still got the devices plugged in, hoping maybe they'll deter new prospects from taking up residence, but it definitely did not work on my current (now former) inhabitants.