J. K.点评道:
原文:I have been looking for a comparative review of these two products. Since I couldn’t find one, I decided to do it myself. I put each through a meticulous week of training and will display my findings as simply as possible. I have a lot of information that I am condensing so if you have any further q
uestions, please ask.For my test, I did a range of different exercises including HIIT, SMIT, medium intensity steady state cardio, jogging, and weight training. Though neither device can truly give a comprehensive measurement for weight training, my lifting style fluctuates my heart rate enough to quantify a decent calorie burn, so I included it.Also, please note that I tried various adjustments including alternate arms, wrist spacing and tightness. I literally ran the gambit, and in some cases, it made a major difference. I have pretty large wrists/forearms, so regardless of position, both devices had little trouble finding a baseline pulse. I used the Samsung Galaxy S5 as my control since it was rated as top notch against EKG machines.So, let’s begin with the meat of these new devices: heart rate tracking.Fitbit Charge HR does not do well with spikes, on either arm. In fact, the display would often display “- -“ and not find a suitable rate for at least 30 seconds. When doing HIIT/SMIIT, 30 seconds can be an eternity in documenting measurements. When it did come through, it was still 10-15 beats slower than the Mio and the S5. I had little issue with the Mio Fuse. It wasn’t perfect, but I usually had a solid reading within 3-5 seconds, and I would say 90% of the time, it was in line with the S5.During anything steady state, the Charge HR and the Mio Fuse kept consistent readings with both the Precor 100i and the S5, but when the Charge HR was on the non-dominant hand, it was typically 5-10 beats behind. When I went jogging, both devices kept the pace, but just for kicks, I let my heart rate drop and pushed out a full on sprint. Mio caught up within 5 seconds, Charge HR was blank for at least 25 seconds. Reiterating that the Charge HR doesn’t like spikes.One other point to note is that during weight lifting, the Charge HR had 2,000 more documented steps than the Mio Fuse. The manual stated that may happen with activities involving rapid arm movement, but just noting I didn’t have that issue with the Mio Fuse.I can’t pinpoint why the Charge HR is inconsistent on my non-dominant hand. If it uses capillary enlargement, I can only guess it’s because they are more evident in my dominant hand. Either way, their inequality should be noted.The interface is where Fitbit excels. As a longtime fan of my Flex, I love the improvements they have added. The heart rate chart and the time zone measurements are great. But it is far less enjoyable when the information (heart rate) is inaccurate. The Mio Go app is truly bare bones. It has very basic tracking and gives you basic stats on your daily workout and overall activity. I also had a few sync fails when connecting to the app and lost my workouts, which was really frustrating. It still shows up in my daily caloric burn, but when you want specifics, this is very disappointing. There is also no PC counterpart, so it’s all mobile. Mio has stated the app will be growing based on feedback. I hope so, because the device deserves a better interface.I, personally, do not care for all the bells and whistles of each, so I didn’t spend much time here, but I can offer a few distinct differences. The Charge HR has 24 hour heart rate tracking, while the Mio Fuse has to be activated in workout mode. Since the Mio Fuse was much more accurate in my tests, I would rather have the accuracy during my workouts than be able to see my heart rate during my daily routines, so this is a wash. The Charge HR is sleeker, and the “action” button is harder to accidentally trigger. With the Mio Fuse, it is pressure based touch screen, so when using the TRX, I have to check after sets to make sure I don’t stop my timer on accident. The “lock” feature needs to be able to be turned on for workout mode. The Mio Fuse is waterproof for 30 feet, while the Charge HR is not recommended for showering or swimming. Both devices caused some irritation after long periods of usage, but it usually disappeared within a few minutes of removing the devices. I really wanted to focus on what these devices were boasting about…strapless HR tracking.So, upon these tests, I must bid adieu to my Fitbit family for now. I can see the Mio Go app getting better before the Charge HR becomes more accurate. I have read that the Surge has better accuracy, but I am not looking for anything more than a solid hr activity tracker and the extras of the Surge are not worth the premium in my opinion.For standard daily activity, both devices are great for comprehensive readouts and steady state tracking, but if you are a fitness enthusiast who constantly pushes your limits and capabilities, I recommend the Mio Fuse.
另外,请注意,我尝试了各种调整,包括交替手臂,手腕间隔调整和不同的紧密度。我按照说明书运行了手环,某种程度上来说,这是一个很大的不同。我有相当大的手腕/前臂,所以无论位置如何,两个装置在寻找基线脉搏方面都没有什么麻烦。我使用三星Galaxy S5来控制,因为它被评为EKG机器的顶尖。
Fitbit Charge HR在两只手臂上都不会有尖峰。事实上,显示器通常会显示“ - - ”,并且至少在30秒内找不到合适的速率。在做HIIT / SMIIT时,记录测量结果可能永远是30秒。当它通过时,仍然比Mio和S5慢10-15拍。我的Mio保险丝问题很少。这不是完美的,但是我通常在3-5秒内完全的读出来,我说的是90%的时间,这是符合S5。
在任何稳定状态下,Charge HR和Mio Fuse与Precor 100i和S5均可以保持一致的读数,但当Charge HR位于不占优势的人手中时,通常为5-10次。当我慢跑时,两个装置都保持了步伐一致,但只是为了踢,我让我的心率下降,并在冲刺中推出一个完整的规律。 Mio在5秒钟内赶上了,HR的空白至少是25秒。重申Fitbit Charge HR不怎么出现尖峰。
另外要注意的是,在举重时,Charge HR比Mio Fuse有更多的固定式化步骤。手册指出,可能发生涉及快速手臂运动的活动,但只是注意到我的Mio保险丝没有这个问题。
我无法确定为什么我没有优势的那只手的Fitbit ChargeHR不一致。如果它使用毛细血管扩大,我只能猜测是因为它在我有优势的那只手中更加明显。无论如何,应该注意到他们的不相同。
界面是Fitbit擅长的。我作为Flex的长期粉丝,喜欢他们新的改进。心率表和时区测量很好。但是当信息(心率)不准确时,情况就不那么让人愉快了。 Mio Go应用程序是真正裸露出来的。它具有非常基本的跟踪功能,并为您的日常锻炼和整体活动提供基本统计信息。连接到应用程序时,我也有一些时候会同步失败,失去了我的锻炼数据,这真是令人沮丧。它仍然在显示我的每日热量消耗,但是如果你想要具体细节,这是非常令人失望的。没有PC对手,所以都是手机。 Mio已经表示,该应用将基于反馈而增长。我希望如此,因为设备应该有更好的界面。
我个人并不在乎所有的铃声,所以我没有花太多时间在这里,但我可以说出一些明显的区别。充电HR具有24小时的心率跟踪,而Mio保险丝必须在锻炼模式下激活。由于Mio保险丝在我的测试中更加准确,所以我喜欢用它在我的锻炼期间准确地掌握我的日常生活中的心率,所以这是很好用的。收费HR更时尚,“动作”按钮很难意外触发。使用Mio保险丝,它是基于压力的触摸屏,所以在使用TRX时,我必须仔细检查,确保我不会不小心停止我的定时器。 使用“锁定”功能需要打开锻炼模式。 Mio保险丝防水30英尺,而Charge HR不推荐用于淋浴或游泳。两种设备在长时间使用后会有一些影响,但是在拆卸设备后几分钟内通常会消失。我真的想关注这些设备吹嘘的关于...无肩带HR跟踪功能。
所以,在这些测试之后,我现在必须向我的Fitbit家庭出价。在Charge HR变得更准确之前,我可以看到Mio Go应用程序变得更好。我已经看到Surge有更好的准确性,但是我并不是在寻找,也不是一个固定的的小时活动追踪器,而且Surge的附加功能在我看来是不值得的。