原文:It's just large enough to look manly. It's just small enough to avoid the obvious pretension that it's "not a purse".This bag is of the very best quality. There's a one year warranty to replace your bag even if the airlines have mangled it. And five years for any defect. If you register the
bag there's a sewn-in label with a number to return your bag to you in the event of losing it. I've set aside my Fossil bag for this one because it's so much better.UPDATE 2, April 2015, (18 Months after the last update)This is a very late update. Just wanted to say that the Hickory bag is black black black with a modest brown trim. I had to return that, too, because of the color. I finally bought another model of Tumi bag that is actually brown, and I like it.MY original Black Tumi is, after more than two years, in perfect shape. It looks new. I still love these bags.UPDATE AND WARNING September 2013 (4 months later):I now waiting for my second Tumi Alpha Bravo Day Beale Mini Messenger Bag in a new color. The first still looks absolutely new despite my having carried it every day for 4 months. No other bag has ever done this. I'm thinking of donating my canvas Fossil bag to the Salvation Army. There's just no comparison. The Tumi bag has also changed my default preference about the size of messenger bags. I really don't need those briefcase-or-laptop-sized things and I'm happy to be rid of them. This smaller bag feels less cumbersome and a little more fashionable. Naturally, your needs and preferences may differ.A warning, though: there are two very different bags using this same name. Some of the bags, like the black one I bought, are made of ballistic nylon. Others, like the color "Sahara", are made of polyester. I recently ordered the Sahara without noticing this. I really disliked the polyester, so I returned it right away. You may like the polyester versions, but I didn't feel confident that they would wear as well as the nylon bags. If you click the different colors here, the resultant descriptions indicate the material in each bag, so look at each to be sure you're getting what you want. I'd have been happy to have the Sahara in nylon.I finally ordered the "Hickory" color at the Tumi website because it wasn't available here on Amazon. I got the same price as Amazon's and free shipping from Tumi, but I did have to pay sales tax there. Tumi also takes Paypal, so I bought there rather than another non-Amazon vendor.
我现在正在期待我的第二个Tumi Alpha Bravo Day Beale迷你信使包,颜色和前一个不同。第一个仍然看起来是新的,尽管我每天都在用它,已经用了4个月。其他的包都没有用的这么久。我想把我的帆布化石袋捐给救世军。没有比较。 Tumi包也改变了我对包默认的尺寸的偏好。我真的不需要这些公文包或和笔记本电脑大小一样的东西,我很高兴摆脱他们。这个较小的包感觉不那么麻烦,有点更时尚。当然,每个人的需求和喜好可能会有所不同。
我终于在Tumi网站上订购了“Hickory”的色彩,因为它在亚马逊不可用。亚马逊的价格和Tumi的免费送货价格一样,但是我必须在那里支付销售税。 Tumi也可以使用贝宝,所以我买了那里,而不是另一个非亚马逊的供应商。