原文:I started pumping with a Medela Pump In Style Advanced, a gift from a friend. I just assumed it was the best, that's what I'd heard from so many moms. However, I realized I could get another pump through insurance for free, so I figured I'd take advantage of it and keep one at home and one at work.
When the Ameda arrived, I was super bummed because I'd heard bad things. With nothing really to lose (except maybe one day's worth of good pumping) I gave it a shot. With the Medela, I was getting 12-13 oz a day in 3 pumping sessions. Now I get 17-18. Seriously. I consistently get 5-6 oz per session. I feel like the suction is better on this one than the Medela and I feel multiple let downs during each session. I am also really happy with the attachments. They're super easy to clean. With the Medela, I would often get a bit of mold in the yellow piece, but these are much more open and easier to air out. Especially if you tend to forget to take the pieces apart after you pump like I do. I wish it wasn't so stinking loud, and there's an obnoxious beeping noise that is made throughout the session, so I could really do without that. Also, the flanges are a smidge too small at a 25. The size up is a 30, but has a 28 attachment that you have to place inside the 30 flange. Then you have to clean four flanges after pumping instead of two. That's some crap. But the 25s aren't all that bad so I'm just dealing with it because I get so much milk out of it, and ultimately that's all I care about. This pump gets a bad rap, but I think it's better than the PISA.
我第一次使用的自动吸奶器是出自Pump In Style Advanced,是一个朋友送的礼物。我以为这是最好的,然而,我意识到我应该再买一台,把一个留在家里,一个放在工作的地方。当收到的时候,我是超级高兴因为我没有什么不好的问题出现有。用之前的那款吸奶器的时候,我本打算一天抽12-13盎司,但却得到17-18的量。这一点太不好了,我每次都能多抽出5-6盎司。我觉得相比之下,还是Medela比较好。我对附件也很满意,非常容易清洗。说道美德乐,吸附力很强,更容易抽出。然而我有时候抽水后,你会忘记把碎片拆开。我想这是我的问题,但其本身有令人讨厌的哔哔声,真的很让人烦躁。另外,尺寸25的有点太小了,尺寸是30足够了,还有一个是尺寸28的,不过还是30的好。另外使用前你必须清洗各种工具,是所有工具都要清洗。总之这台吸奶器达到了我想要的效果,这台如果坏了我会再入一台,我想它比之前的那一款好用。