原文:We purchased this for our son for Christmas. Like all LEGO products, this was of high quality, and the blocks went together wonderfully. However, we were really, really amazed at the level of detail on this particular set. The car went together in phases, and as the interior was built, ther
e were so many details that would eventually be covered up & not even seen. It really felt posh. My son loved putting this car together, and it now has a place of honor on his bookshelf. My son was 12 when he received this, and it took him about 2-3 hours to complete. As with all LEGO sets, the instructions were clear & easy to follow.
译文:送给儿子的圣诞节礼物,向所有乐高产品一样,质量很不错,板板块块都能完美地拼凑在一起。然而,我们真的被这套乐高的细节惊喜到。这辆车分阶段一起进行,当内部建成时,有这么多的细节最终被掩盖起来甚至没有被看到。 真的很高兴,我的儿子喜欢将这辆车放在一起,现在在他的书架上专门有一个他的战利品区。 儿子收到这套乐高的时候才12岁,约需要2-3个小时才能完成。像所有乐高套装一样,说明书清晰易懂。