原文:I typically do not offer reviews on anything I buy, nor do I do one so soon after purchase and installation. However, I wanted to write one just incase someone is contemplating buying this SDD. First off, I have spent the last week researching how to speed up my wife's ever aging Macbook Pro (Early
2011). I upgraded the memory from 4gb to 8gb first, which helped speed things up and also offered more memory for the video graphics - going up from 312 (I think) to 512mb. Next, I wanted to upgrade the HDD to a SDD because of what I read online and the upgrade in performance that an SDD offers over an HDD.Once I got home from work today, this was laying in front of my door and I figured that I would begin the process. This was the first time I have ever cloned and switched out a hard drive and it was a breeze - except for the time that it took to clone. For people that are unsure how to this this, I found the following gentlemen on youtube very help with a step by step instructional video, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XJHMQlvPEz0. You can download Carbon Copy Cloner for free with a 30 Day trial, which I found very nice that you did not have put in any credit card information or email address.In order to make the clone, you will need a way to transfer the data from the HDD to SDD. I purchased the Startech USB 3.0 to 2.5" Sata HDD/SDD Cable w/UASP from Amazon - roughly $20.As far as performance goes, it took roughly 1 minute 49 seconds with the 4gb's of ram and the old HDD to startup and get me to the home screen. After upgrading to 8gb's of ram and the SDD, it takes approximately 40 seconds now - cutting the time by well more than half. Applications load much faster now that it's a night and day difference. I would recommend upgrading to the max amount of memory and a SDD if you have an aging Macbook.I am not going to go back and proofread my review before posting, so please do not call me out for misspellings or in correcting grammar. I am only trying to offer advice to people that are looking for it. P.S. I am a newbie with computer components. If I can do it, feel confident that you can do it.
我通常不会对我购买的任何东西提供评论,也不会在购买和安装后立即进行评估。但是,我想写一个只是正在考虑购买这款SDD的人。首先,我花了一周时间研究如何加快我妻子的老旧Macbook Pro(2011年初)。我将内存从4gb升级到8gb,这有助于加快速度,并为视频图形提供更多的内存 - 从312(我认为)上升到512mb。接下来,我想将HDD升级到SDD,因为我将在线阅读和SDD提供的硬盘性能升级。
我今天从工作回家,在我的门前,我想我会开始这个过程。这是我第一次克隆和切换硬盘,这是轻而易举的事 - 除了拷贝需要的时间。对于那些不确定这个的人来说,我发现以下先生们在YouTube上非常有帮助,一步一步的教学视频
您可以免费下载Carbon Copy Cloner 30天试用版,我发现很不错,您不用输入任何信用卡信息或电子邮件地址。
为了拷贝,您将需要一种将数据从HDD传输到SDD的方法。我从亚马逊购买了Startech USB 3.0到2.5“的Sata HDD / SDD电缆 - 大约20美元。