D. A. Ross点评道:
原文:I've been clinging to the same beat up Dirt Devil Vibe Upright (with Power Brush attachment!) since I bought it on clearance ten years ago. The suction is terrible, it's as loud as a cement mixer, and it weighs about as much as that cement mixer. Needless to say, I have been in need of a new vacuum
for quite some time, but never did I think that vacuum would be a Roomba.Truth be told: I always thought robot vacuums/sweepers were a bit of a gimmick, something for tech-junkies or, well, the lazy. So when it arrived in the mail, I opened it with both skepticism and cynicism, thinking, if nothing else, the Roomba would serve as a fun new torture device for our cat, Sherlock. As much as it pains me to admit, I am now eating crow. The Roomba 870, despite a few limitations, is an incredible appliance and I will (probably) not speak ill-ly of them again.My home set up: one-bedroom apartment, about 700 sq ft, tile in the bathroom and kitchen, carpet and throw rug in living room, bedroom and closet. One short-hair domestic cat who loves to shed, and one imported wife with long black hair, who also loves to shed. After spending some time with it, here is a list of Pros and Cons for owning the iRobot Roomba 870:PROS:* Solid construction. The Roomba is built like a tank, but has soft edges, so if it does collide with an object (which rarely happens anyway), no damage will be incurred* Surprisingly quiet. I can still hear the TV/stereo/conversation while the Roomba is running* No more spinning brushes that get clogged with debris! I didn't realize what a pleasure this would be (specifically, it doesn't choke on the tassels at the ends of the throw rug! Genius)* Fairly intuitive, easy setup. I'm certainly not ignorant of technology, but for time's sake, I'll always prefer simple programming. Can set up multiple, scheduled cleanings with relative ease* Long battery life and self-charging. The battery has yet to die mid-cleaning, as I don't have a ton of square footage, but this is still a a great feature. The Roomba will find the nearest dock and park itself until fully re-charged* Collects a great deal of cat hair and dust, so it lives up to the pet/allergen claims* Strong suction. We have an issue of our cat trailing litter everywhere, which we're constantly sweeping. The Roomba is easily able to suck up the litter granules* Transitions pretty smoothly from the tile to carpet. It only got hung up once, but only because it hit a warped part of the rubber carpet stripping.CONS:* Warranty. Comes with one-year limited standard, but with an appliance with this much technology, and at this price point, I would expect at least 5, if not 10, years of coverage.* Can't use it on furniture, like our couch, which still necessitates owning another vacuum or handheld device* See above, for carpeted stairs (I mean, you COULD use the Roomba on stairs, but you'd have to manually lift it onto each step, thus defeating the purpose)* Dust bins are a little small, meaning they need to be changed after every cleaning, but I am willing to concede the overall size of the unit will limit thisIf you're on the fence about buying a Roomba, take it from me that it's worth the plunge. I'm now thinking of getting one for my mom and step-dad, who also own a cat, and just don't have much time or energy to vacuum their place. And if you're curious, besides functioning as a high-tech cleaning device, it definitely delivers as an entertaining torture machine for pets.
事实告诉我:我一直认为这个机器人真空吸尘器有点噱头,对于科技爱好者来说可能很好,但是对懒人来说就不是了。所以当它寄到邮箱里的时候,我持着怀疑和不承认的态度来打开箱子,想想,如果不是它的优点的话,那么Roomba将会成为我们的猫Sherlock的一个有趣的很酷的玩具。尽管我很难承认,但现在我确实认为自己当初误会它了。 Roomba 870尽管有一些缺点,但却是一种令人比较意外的机器人,我可能(可能)不会再嫌弃它了。
我的家里:带有一间卧室的公寓,约700平方尺,浴室和厨房有瓷砖,客厅里放有地毯,卧室有衣柜和地毯。一只喜欢到处跑的短毛家猫,我有黑长发的外国妻子也喜欢到处蹦。用了一段时间后,这里是iRobot Roomba 870 的一些优缺点:
*制造精良。 Roomba像坦克一样,但是边缘很柔和,所以如果它撞到一个物体的话(反正很少发生),不会造成损害
*电池寿命长,可以充电。电池还没有被用完过,因为我没有足够大的空间需要它清理,但这仍然是电量真的很不错了。 Roomba电用完以后会找到最近的地方停下,直到重新充满电
*吸力强劲。我们有一个问题,我们的猫把垃圾弄得到处都是,我们正在不断扫除。 Roomba很容易就可以把垃圾扫起来