原文:I searched for a long time trying to find the right headphones to wear while I'm at the gym, and I'm SUPER pleased with these - I think they are as close to ideal as I can seem to get (at least, as close as I can get for under $200...). They are comfortable to wear, have a long battery life (I can u
se these every day for a week and it still says the battery life is high), sound great, and I enjoy the buttons on the left ear to easily change between tracks. If I could change one thing about these, it would be a tighter fit (or a way to customize the fit to make it tighter). While they are great 95% of the time, they do have a tendency to slip back/off if my head isn't upright (like if I'm laying on my back doing crunches, bench press, etc), so that's a bit of an irritant. However, it's manageable, because I haven't found anything with a reasonable price and a better fit. (and I'm preeeeeeetty sure that I don't have a notably tiny head...)
译文:我找了很长时间,试图找到适合在健身房中使用的耳机,我非常喜欢这款耳机 - 它们看起来十分接近我的理想款式(至少,最关键的是我可以以低于200美元的价格买到......)。 他们佩戴舒适,电池寿命长(我可以每天使用这些电池,持续一周,但仍然表示电池寿命很长),听起来很棒,而且我喜欢左耳上的按钮,以便在音轨之间轻松切换。 如果我可以改变这一点,这将是一个更紧密的配合(或定制适合,以使其更紧密的方式)。 虽然他们使用起来95%的时间都很出色,但如果我的头部不直立的话(如果我仰卧起坐,卧推等),他们的确有倾向于滑动/退出,所以这有点儿刺激。 然而,这是可以控制的,因为我没有找到合理的价格和更合适的东西。 (而且我很确定我没有明显的小脑袋......)