原文:The only reason I ever ordered these condoms was because my girlfriend has a latex allergy. I figured they'd be lame because A) condoms are annoying to begin with, and B) if good condoms could be made from something other than latex, than why is latex the de facto standard for like every condom in t
he universe?Well, I still don't know the answer to B), but after going through a box of Skyn condoms, I can honestly say that I would use them even if my partner weren't allergic to latex. They feel significantly better than the condoms I've used in the past (Trojans), and they're reliable. As a bonus, buying them here is vastly cheaper, more convenient, and less embarrassing than buying them at Walgreen's. I'd recommend this product to anyone who relies on condoms for birth control with a significant other, latex allergy or not.When I ordered a second box, the seller accidentally put the wrong item in the package. The packing slip showed the correct order, but instead of 50 Skyn condoms there were 50 Snugger Fit condoms, which are made from latex. I contacted the seller through Amazon, explained that the latex condoms were useless to me because of my girlfriend's latex allergy, and requested that the correct item be sent to me as soon as possible.My complaint was filed on Monday night. On Tuesday morning I had a response from the seller, who apologized for the error and said that the correct item was on its way. On Wednesday morning the correct condoms were on my doorstep via Fed Ex. Although I was pretty annoyed when I got the wrong item in the package, the seller's blistering fast customer service and immediate correction have left me with an even higher esteem for the folks who make these condoms.
嗯,我还不知道B的答案,但是用过一箱Skyn的避孕套之后,我可以很真诚地说,即使我的伴侣不对乳胶过敏,我也会用这些避孕套的。这个牌子的避孕套用起来感觉比我过去用的Trojans的避孕套套好很多,而且它们真的很安全。因为有津贴,在这里买避孕套非常的便宜,也更方便,不会像在沃尔格林买避孕套那么尴尬。我非常推荐这个避孕套给那些不想生孩子但是又对乳胶过敏的人。当我买第二盒时,卖家无意中把错误的东西放进了包裹里。包装纸条显示正确的顺序,但不是50个Skyn的避孕套,而是50个Snugger Fit的乳胶制的安全套。我通过亚马逊联系了卖家,解释说我没法用乳胶避孕套,因为我女朋友对胶乳过敏,并要求卖家把正确的物品尽快发给我。我星期一晚上提交了投诉。星期二早上,我收到了卖家的回复,他为犯的错误向我道歉了,并说正确的物品已经发出了。星期三早上,在我的门口放着一个联邦快递的包裹,里面是卖家给我补发的正确的避孕套。虽然卖家发错商品让我很恼火,但卖家快速的客户服务和即时的补发商品让我对生产这些安全套的人更加敬重了。