原文:I wanted something simple, though electric, and this brush fills the bill. Its loud buzzing noise when in operation was a surprise, but I am willing to p up with that to have an inexpensive but functional brush. I didn't want all sorts of digital conveniences and a higher price. It seems to do a goo
d job of brushing, too. When this one dies, if ever, I will try to buy the same (or a similar) model again.If you buy it, be sure to read the directions, which say that, to keep it running well over a long period of time, it should be unplugged a couple of times a year and used until the charge has run out. I use this brush only before bed, and it has remained in operation for a week or so already, unplugged. I wish it would hurry up and let me get back to the normal, plugged-in setup.
译文:我想要一件简单的东西,虽然是电动的,但我花了大价钱才买到它。它在运行时发出的嗡嗡声非常惊人,但我愿意为此能有一款价格便宜且功能强大的电动牙刷。 我不想要有很多数字型便利和高价格的牙刷。它似乎也可以很好地用来刷牙。 当这个产品坏的时候,如果有的话,我会尝试再次购买相同的(或类似的)模型。
如果你购买它,一定要阅读说明书上的说明,为了使它在很长一段时间内保持良好运行状态,应该每年都要有几次拔出电源使用到电量耗尽。 我只在睡觉前使用这把牙刷,它已经续航了一个星期左右,而且已经拔掉了电源。 我希望它会快点耗完,让我充个电。